We provide comprehensive and progressive therapy services for children in the Houston area.


The Therapy Village is a pediatric therapy center located in Cypress, TX that provides Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapy for children with special needs. Founded in August 2005, The Therapy Village provides comprehensive and progressive therapy services. Our practice is family oriented, and we are committed to providing quality therapy for children within a family- centered collaborative atmosphere to enable them to reach their optimal developmental potential. Designed for young children of all abilities—and their families—we offer a variety of services that can help your child experience the world with greater confidence thanks to improvements in mobility, strength and coordination, cognition, communication, social-emotional development, and/or sensory processing

The Therapy Village is dedicated to giving our patients successful personalized care using the most progressive methods possible, walking each patient and their family through the process every step of the way. We address your child’s global therapy needs while they are enjoying what they do best: playing. For the child, his or her therapy sessions are fun—not a series of rote activities, maximizing each child’s motivation and participation in the therapeutic process.


Our innovative center is based on three tenets.


Children learn about themselves and the world around them during their daily activities.


Natural learning environments are unpredictable and continuously changing.


Learning is optimized when practice occurs under varying and random conditions.


To maximize the learning process, the main gym area is reconfigured weekly to help re-create these variable conditions. Parental involvement also is a core component in all of our therapy sessions. By participating in the sessions, parents learn first-hand how to incorporate the therapeutic techniques we use during therapy time on a day-to-day basis while bonding with their children in a positive, enriching environment.

For children with special needs, we introduce them to a whole new world of interaction, stimulation and excitement. Equally important, our unique program gives parents and family members of children with special needs the opportunity to meet other parents who are dealing with similar issues, build a support group and create lasting friendships. At The Therapy Village, all competition and judgment is left outside our doors, so that each child and his or her family can shine.

We seek to build a foundation of developmental motor, and speech and language skills to ensure that our patients have confidence and success with challenges experienced at school and in play.